Kamenica Tumulus


The "Tuma of Kamenica", or Kamenica Tumulus, is an important archaelogical site in Kamenica, about 8 km south of Korca. When visiting the site, you can also explore a museum dedicated to the prehistory of Albania and the surrounding region of Korca.

The excavation work at the tumulus was conducted by different organizations, from the Albanian Institute of Archaelogy, to the Albanian Rescue Archaelogy Unit, and later on the Musem of Korca.

The end of the excavations showed that the Tumulus of Kamenica represents the largest burial monument of its kind in relation to 200 tumuli excavated in Albania and other neighboring Balkan countries.

The central grave dates back to the Bronze Age (13th century BC), and is surrounded by two large concentric circles unlike any other tumuli discovered in Albania. 



Frequently Asked Questions

Where is the tumulus located?

The Tumulus of Kamenica is located about 8 kilometers south of Korca, on the Korce-Erseke national road.

Can I visit the tumulus?

Yes, the tumulus of Kamenica is open Tuesday - Sunday from 9 am to 7 pm.

Is it worth visiting?

Yes, the Kamenica Tumulus is definitely worth visiting, considering that you're sitting in hundreds of years old site.